Where Is The Fortnite Movie?

After the enormous success of the battle royale videogame known as Fortnite, it should not take that long to wonder why the videogame makers, Epic Games, have not cashed in on this success with a movie aimed at their large Fortniteplaying audience.

With this in mind, Tv Cabin begs the question….

Are they making a Fortnite movie?

The answer for the time being is NO. While there have been efforts online from interested fans proposing the idea and making trailer concepts on YouTube, there does not appear to be any legitimate momentum on the first film based around this popular video game.

For all we know, there could be a team of writers pounding away on versions of a script. There might even be products hammering out the budget for a Forntite movie that young children and teens will beg their parents to take them to. Until then, we can only speculate on the version of Fortnite movie we will get to see.

So join us as we hope to one day see the giant Battle Bus flying through the sky in a packed theatre.

Fortnite Movies We Would Like To See

1) The “cartoon” version

This animated feature film would look similar to the cut-away scenes that the game uses when introducing new seasons and updates. A similar graphics style would make it easy for audiences to connect the cinematic experience with the video game the movie is based on. Plus, it would appeal to younger audiences who may not be allowed to watch a “violent” movie but have parents who are okay with cartoon violence. No blood, no cursing. A fun and fast-paced romp through one battle-royale match where the winner will take all!

2) The Rashoman version

Playing on the “different viewpoints” structure, this Fortnite movie follows four players all seated in the Battle Bus at the beginning of the movie. While the story will quickly highlight the backgrounds of each of the four players, the majority of the story will follow the survival efforts of each player as they drop down onto the island and begin the ultimate fight for their life experience.

3) The R-rated version

Imagine the opening scene cuts to an interior shot of a dark and dingy school bus rocking around. Men and women are huddled in their seats crying, cursing, praying, etc. The red-light on the inner wall of the bus starts to blink and a digital clock turns on in the front of the bus counting down from ten. When the countdown reaches zero, the ground of the bus gives out and everyone is ejected into a free fall over a green and luscious island on a sunny day. The audience watches everyone free-falling and trying to orient themselves as they plan to open their parachutes.

This kind of cold open for a Fortnite movie would be a perfect start to a more adult-friendly version of Fortnite where the movie is rated R, contains violent images, may contain a bad word or two and depicts the brutality of the battle royale format.

If you have a version of the future Fortnite movie that you would like to see, please let us know in the comments.

While we may not see this future blockbuster anytime soon, it will surely be something to keep on your radar.

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